Inspired by God 3 – Punishment part 2

Nothing like a bear attack to teach kids that they shouldn’t mock people. That’ll show him. 

To be fair, there’s debate about whether this was just an angry outburst due to the mockery or a reaction to Bethel’s rejection of God, the mockery being an example of the town’s evil (“See? Even the kids are bad.”). But the thing is, sending creatures to kill kids (42 of them) is wrong, no matter the reason. 

Pascal’s Wager part 2 – redrawn 

Unless God just needs that juicy, juicy belief and doesn’t care if it’s organic or synthetic. 

Image source: portion of “The Last Judgment” by Hans Memling

If anyone has any issues they want me to try to tackle with my simple webcomic, let me know. I’ll see what I can do. 

This is an ATHEIST Webcomic

This is mostly an inside joke, but it is bothering me that this has probably happened to me more than atheists have shared it. I wouldn’t feel too bad if it at least started a discussion about what I say in the comics that are shared our liked, but more often when it does get shared, it is some Christian who seems to not have read the comic, but likes the title or artwork and uses it for their own Christian message. Does anyone else have this problem? 

Don’t Do That Thing – redone

Source image: detail from Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach

To eat the fruit is an evil act. To not do an evil act, one must know what evil is. To know what evil is, one must eat the fruit. But to eat the fruit, is an evil act. Oh, circular logic from a supposedly omniscient being. You make me dizzy. 

Don’t Do That Thing…

As an allegory, this is interesting. In order to not do evil, they must know what it is first. There is one thing they could do to learn what evil is. As it happens, the one thing they could do happens to be evil. In other words, in order to prevent evil, evil must be done first to learn of it. This is a good allegory fire growing up. Adam and Eve are morally children. They’ve had no life experiences to inform them of right and wrong, and, unlike children, they have no one to watch who have already had said life experiences. So they have to disobey their parent, in this case God, in order to learn that disobeying him is evil. This makes the story more worthwhile. 

As a literal story, however, this makes God look terrible. Puts a moral hot pan within reach of his children, tells them not to touch it, goes away, leaving it without a guard, which we know he can do since he put one in front of the Garden of Eden after kicking out the humans. This could have been done on purpose, teaching the same lesson as the allegory, but he takes it way too far. He doesn’t just set it up and punishes them, and only them, for committing the act as a way to teach them not to disobey him, he punishes them and EVERY HUMAN BEING THAT THERE EVER WILL BE with Hell, or the possibility of Hell, something they have to be saved from. An eternal torture because either he’s a terrible god/parent or he wanted to show all of us what happens when we disobey by continuously punishing us for all eternity. Either way, it’s horrible. 

Thanks for reading, see you Monday.